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Emergency Funds for Students

In an Emergency

Local emergency number: Call 911
Whitman Security: Call 509-527-5777

Urgent Financial Support for Students

Office of Financial Aid


The Office of Financial Aid awards funds—scholarships, loans and work-study—based on a student’s calculated need. For students who have special circumstances arise during the year, the Financial Aid team will work with them on an individual basis and help with funds, as needed.

Students are required to take their loans first and also show they are willing to work before additional funds can be awarded. Depending on the situation, the college can award additional scholarship money to help students get through the year—for example, in cases where a student is short on funds and the family cannot offer any more help.

Contact Financial Aid

Dean of Students Office

Bridget Jacobson
Associate to the Dean of Students

Financial Assistance Request Form  About Dean of Students Office

ASWC Emergency Fund

The ASWC Emergency Fund is a fund intended for students facing severe financial distress in an emergency situation with very limited options.

ASWC Emergency Fund Form

Welty Student Health Center

The Health Center is staffed throughout the academic year and is open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. Professional nurses are available to assist with students' health care needs.

Health and Medical Support 

Food and Clothing Insecurity

Glover Alston Center
26 Boyer Ave. (Located near Reid Campus Center)

Quin Nelson
DEIA Program Coordinator

Learn More

Visas and Support Documents

Greg Lecki
Associate Director of the Intercultural Center for International Student Support Services

Learn More

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